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We invite you to engage in an interactive nintely minute roundtable led by EverythingALS consortia of Pharma partners, sensor companies, neurologists, data scientists, regulators and patients to help advance the discovery and implementation of ALS digital biomarkers in clinical trials through our collaborative efforts.


Joining our participatory roundtable, you will be the first to learn about our latest study results on ALS digital biomarkers as well as have the opportunity to hear why major pharmaceutical companies have joined the consortium to partner in EverythingALS research, which will be expanded to include analyzing data from wearables and smartphones.


As always, we approach each roundtable to encourage out-of-the-box thinking, and to kick it off, we have an exciting agenda! Take a look below. 

This is an invite only event.


Hosts & Speakers 

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Monday December 11, 2023 

     12:30 PM - 2 PM ET   I   9:30 AM - 11:00 AM PT

10 minutes

10 minutes

10 minutes

15 minutes

15 minutes

30 minutes

Welcome and Consortia Updates

Indu Navar and James Berry 

Radcliff Study Collaboration: BMS and EverythingALS

Joel Schwartz

Keynote : Person living with ALS

Roseann Hickman will share with us the impact of ALS on family, and support and shared-decisions

Digital Health and Health Equity: Regulatory Insights 

Dr. Isaac R. Rodriguez-Chavez

Research Update and Product Demo

Lyle Ostrow

Indu Navar

Consortia Members ONLY : Closed Session


Consortia White paper

By David Shulman, Kelley Erb, Nikki Mehdiyoun,  & Christian Rubio

Looking Ahead and closing remarks 



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