We invite you to engage in an interactive roundtable with leading neurologists, researchers, and patients to help advance the discovery and implementation of ALS digital biomarkers in clinical trials through our collaborative efforts.
Joining our participatory roundtable, you will be the first to learn about our latest study results on ALS digital biomarkers as well as have the opportunity to hear why major pharmaceutical companies have joined the consortium to partner in our research, which will be expanded to include analyzing data from wearables and smartphones.
You will also hear about the survey results submitted by the patients and caregivers for the NIH ALS research priorities RFI as well as the scientific analysis of the survey with NLP (Natural Language Processing) from our IBM Research collaborator.
As always, we approach each roundtable to encourage out-of-the-box thinking, and to kick it off, we’ve asked our partner from the C-Path institute to speak about the results of the Parkinson’s 3DT Digital Biomarker Initiative.
We look forward to hearing your ideas and sharing our knowledge.
This is an invite only event.
March 10th 2022 - 2:30PM EST, 11:30AM PST
5 minutes
7 minutes
20 minutes
7 minutes
15 minutes
3 minutes
20 minutes
10 minutes
3 minutes
Indu Navar, EverythingALS
Welcome and opening remarks
Keynote: Leah Stavenhagen
Dr. James Berry, MGH
Use of Digital biomarkers in clinical trials
Layne Oliff (Member of the NIH/NINDS ALS Steering Committee)
NIH ALS research priorities RFI survey
Raquel Norel, IBM Research
Survey results with NLP analyzed
Satoshi San and Amir Lahav
MT Pharma partnership and consortium benefits
Diane Stephenson, C-PATH
Parkinson’s digital biomarker initiative results so far
Open discussion and questions
Survey results (collected prior to the meeting)
Closing remarks and next steps
Topic of discussion Q2 Round Table
06/13/22 @ 3:30PM ET/ 12:30 PM PT
Amir Lahav, clinical neuroscientist and leading Innovator in digital health
Challenges and opportunities in analyzing data from wearable and smartphone